Areaware Cubebot Small (Natural)

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  • Cubebot is both a challenging puzzle and an action figure that can hold dozens of poses
  • Crafted in Beech wood, Cubebot is an eco-friendly plaything
  • Cubebot is enjoyed by children and adults
  • Cubebot is interactive and educational

  • Robot toys are usually made of plastic and require batteries. Not this one! Inspired by Japanese Shinto Kumi-ki puzzles, the Cubebot is a non-traditional take on the toy robot. Cubebots's powerful hardwood frame can hold dozens poses, and his elastic-band muscles and durable wood limbs make him impervious to breakage. When it's time for him to rest, he folds into a perfect cube. An enduring classic that will withstand generations of play.
    Brand: Areaware, Model: DWC2N, Color: Natural Wood, Size: small

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