Willbond 9 Pieces Large Eye Blunt Sewing Needles with 60 Pieces Lock Markers and Cloth Tape Measure

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  • Sewing tools setpackage includes 9 pieces large eye blunt silver needles, 60 pieces lock ring stitch markers, 1 piece cloth tape measure and a clear plastic box
  • 9 Pieces large eye blunt needles: 3 different sizes (5.2 cm, 6 cm, 7 cm in length), 3 pieces each size, meeting your various needs; Nickel-plated steel needles, strong and durable
  • 60 Pieces knitting crochet locking: the size of stitch marker is approx. 2.2 x 1.2 x 0.3 cm; 5 Different bright candy colors, 12 pieces each color, you can use the color you want and need
  • A flexible and portable tape measure: dual sided, measuring range is 60 inches/ 150 cm; Large markings and numerals, easy to read; Fit for measuring curved or flat surfaces
  • Wide application: good sewing tools set, suitable for your crochet, knitting, sewing, leather braid, mend vinyl, DIY craft and so on

  • Blunt needles of 3 different sizes: 9 Pieces large eye blunt needles, 3 different sizes (5.2 cm, 6 cm, 7 cm in length), 3 pieces each size, meeting your various needs; Nickel-plated steel needles, strong and durable. With a large eye, these blunt needles are easy to thread yarn through even without a threader; Convenient to use. Versatile stitch markers: The size of stitch marker is approx. 2.2 x 1.2 x 0.3 cm; 5 Different bright candy colors, 12 pieces each color, you can use the color you want and need. These multicolored stitch markers are good for marking the beginning and ending of pattern stitches, as well as where to increase or decrease the number of stitches. Can mark the stitches securely and will not slip out or snag your knitting easily; Good quality and easy to use. Dual sided sewing tape measure: Dual sided, measuring range is 60 inches/ 150 cm; Large markings and numerals, easy to read; Fit for measuring curved or flat surfaces, flexible and portable. Wide usage: Good sewing tools set, suitable for your crochet, knitting, sewing, leather braid, mend vinyl, DIY craft and so on. Specifications: Large eye blunt needles: Sizes: 5.2 cm, 6 cm, 7 cm in length Quantity: 9 pieces (3 pieces each size) Material: nickel-plated steel Knitting crochet locking: 5 Colors: grass green, pink, orange, blue and yellow Size: 2.2 x 1.2 x 0.3 cm Quantity: 60 pieces (12 pieces each color) Soft tape measure: Measuring range: 60 inches/ 150 cm Package includes: 60 x Colorful locking markers 9 x Large eye blunt needles 1 x Cloth tape measure 1 x Storage box
    Brand: WILLBOND, Model: 4336922944, Color: grass green, pink, orange, blue and yellow

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