Wusthof Gourmet 10-Inch Super Slicer Wavy-Edge Knife

SKU: EZFB0000631ZO
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  • 10-inch multi-purpose knife with rounded tip and serrated blade
  • Stamped from a single piece of high-carbon stainless steel
  • Synthetic polypropylene handle riveted for durability
  • Precisely tapered blade; made in Germany; hand wash for best results
  • Measures approximately 15 by 1-1/2 by 1/2 inches; limited lifetime warranty

  • A moderately priced companion to Wüsthof's renowned Classicforged knives, this Gourmet Series 10-inch slicing knife has the samefull-tang, three-rivet, virtually indestructible poly handle as Classicknives. Instead of being forged, however, Gourmet Series blades are cutfrom steel sheets by precision lasers. That means they have nobolsters. But it also means they are perfectly shaped and fit handlesseamlessly. And the blades' high-carbon stainless steel is identical tothat of Wüsthof's premium knives, only thinner. This knife has a bladewith large serrations (or scallops) for slicing through crusty bread,roasts, hams, and even soft-skinned vegetables and fruits liketomatoes. The knife is dishwasher-safe, but hand washing is recommendedto protect its edge. --Fred Brack
    Brand: Wüsthof, Model: 4519-7, Color: Black

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