COMPLETE SET: Includes five colorful, turning, interlocking gears
FUN LEARNING TOY: Promotes children's creativity, imagination, and dexterity while also being a fun activity for children to enjoy.
FEATURES: Gears flip, whirl, spin, and turn according to the placement and speed can be controlled with the battery operated central on/off gear switch
BRIGHT COLORS: Features a colorful and whimsical design
AGE REQUIREMENT: 3 years and up
Your little builder will love this Gearation Refrigerator Magnets set that includes five colorful, turning, interlocking gears. This set will get your child's gears spinning and inspire creativity and imagination. Your child can turn it on, add gears and watch as they flip and turn. Control the speed with the fast or slow button. The magnetic gears allows your child to arrange and rearrange them. Comes with a battery-operated central gear with an on/off switch. Brand: TOMY, Model: T6995
Custom Tab 01
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