Reduce waste and save money by packing your child's lunch in a thermos firetruck lunch kit
100% pvc free with peva linings
Superior quality closed cell polyethylene foam insulation
Zips open; comfortable carrying handle
For ages 5 and up; product makes sound
For over 100 years, Thermos has created unique products fueled by hotter, cooler and fresher thinking. This commitment continues with an expanding range of innovative, fashionable lunch kits that get your child's healthy lunch to school and back in style. Pack their lunch in Thermos each day instead of using disposables: you'll reduce waste and save your family money! Now that's fresh thinking. This Firetruck shaped lunch kit features a zippered main section and a comfortable carrying handle. 100% PVC free with PEVA lining and superior foam insulation, this soft lunch kit is intended for children five years and older. Wipe clean with a damp cloth. Brand: Thermos, Model: N47265006M, Color: Firetruck
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