A hybrid coffee machine and blender, this frappe maker brews and blends at the touch of a button
Removable brew basket
"Pulse" button for control over consistency
20-ounce, dishwasher safe blending jar
Uses 4-cup basket coffee filters (not included)
The Mr. Coffee 20 oz. Frappe Maker is the all-in-one appliance that allows you to create frosty beverages in the comfort of your own home. A cross between a coffee machine and a blender, this easy-to-use frappe machine brews and blends delicious chilled concoctions with the touch of a button. Along with freshly brewed coffee and ice, you can also add in your favorite extras—including milk, whipped cream, ice cream, chocolate-milk powder, and more. The unit's "pulse" blending button offers ultimate control over the consistency, while its sleek jar supplies a generous handle for easy serving. To top it off, garnish the beverage with whipped cream, nutmeg, cinnamon, or chocolate shavings, and enjoy. Brand: Mr. Coffee, Model: BVMC-FM1, Color: Black
Custom Tab 01
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