On/off indicator light lets you know when your coffee maker is on or off
Grab-A-Cup Auto Pause stops cycle if you need a cup before brewing is finished
Dual water window allows visibility as you fill-no more overflows
Lift and Clean Filter Basket for fast and easy clean up
Easy cord storage eliminates counter clutter
Cord Length:26"
Height:12.56" x Width:11.76" x Depth:8.43". Weight: 3.6 lbs.
Watts: 900
The classic functionality of Mr. Coffee's 12-Cup Coffee Maker helps you make rich-tasting, expertly brewed coffee without stress or mess. Should you need a cup before the brew cycle is finished, Grab-A-Cup Auto Pause is a lifesaver. It stops brewing so you can pour freely, and then finishes the brewing cycle after you place the carafe back in position. It also features a removable basket filter that lifts out for quick and easy filling and cleaning. Whether you want a single cup or 12, this no-fuss automatic coffee maker will deliver the goods, time after time. Brand: Mr. Coffee, Model: SK13-RB, Color: Black, Size: Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Coffee Maker, Black
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