Kamenstein Dual-Action Salt and Pepper Grinder with Free Spice Refills for 5 Years

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Brand Kamenstein
Model 5064272
Color Stainless Steel
Size with Sea Salt and Black Pepper

  • All grinders are filled and sealed for freshness in Kamenstein's own FDA-approved and monitor facility in Winchendon, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
  • The grinders' carbon steel grinding mechanism is tough and long-lasting, and produces uniform grounds for fine seasoning control.
  • The chambers' clear containers allow you to easily determine when the contents are running low.
  • The grinder comes filled with sea salt and premium peppercorns, and its intuitive design makes it easy to refill.
  • Kamenstein spices are proudly packed in the USA in a company-owned facility in Massachussetts. Prior to bottling, every spice lot is coded, inspected, and sent to an independent lab for microbiological testing to ensure product safety.

  • The Kamenstein Dual-Action Salt and Pepper Grinder combines a salt and pepper set into one simple tool. This dual-action unit includes a salt grinder on one end and a pepper grinder on the other. The grinders' carbon steel grinding mechanism is tough and long-lasting, and produces uniform grounds for fine seasoning control. The chambers' clear containers allow you to easily determine when the contents are running low. The grinders' innovative design makes them easy to refill. The grinder comes filled with sea salt and premium peppercorns, and its intuitive design makes it easy to refill. All spices are filled and sealed for freshness in Kamenstein's facility in Winchendon, Massachusetts, which is licensed and inspected by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Public Health, Division of Food & Drugs. This facility is inspected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

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