Induction Cooker, Slim Design, Digital Control, 120V, Lot of 1

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  • Adcraft - IND-A120V - Slim Design Countertop Induction Cooker
  • Slim Design Countertop Induction Cooker
  • Adcraft
  • IND-A120V

  • High performance, easy to use and safer alternative to the conventional countertop range because there is no open flame or exposed burner. This induction cooker is able to heat up fast and bring water to a boil in about a minute. This unit is constructed of heavy duty stainless steel with cool to touch ceramic glass. It has an adjustable cooking temperature from 140F-464F with a 120 minute timer. This item comes standard with a safety overheating sensor and a self checking automatic shutoff feature that turns the unit off when the induction ready pot or pan has been removed from the burner. Works with induction ready cookware up to 9" bottom diameter. Must be used with Induction ready cookware only. Overall dimensions are 2-3/8"H x 13"W x 15-3/4"D. 120V, 1800W, 15A. NEMA 5-15 plug. ETL, ETL sanitation, FCC., Lot of 1
    Brand: Adcraft, Model: IND-A120V, Color: Silver

    Custom Tab 01

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