Fun for serving onion slices as a topping for burgers and bagels
BPA free
Store cut onions in the onion saver container to keep them fresh longer. Using the onion keeper will reduce food waste as your partially used produce will stay fresh longer and will be recognizable in a crowded refrigerator. Meanwhile, onion odors stay contained, keeping your fridge fresh and organized. For some fun when entertaining, use these as serving pieces for burger toppings, etc. Everyone will know where to find the sliced onion rings, for example. This reusable onion holder contributes to sustainable living by cutting down on the use of wasteful disposable wraps and bags. The two sides attach by twist lock and are easy to open and close. Each is dishwasher safe, making cleanup a breeze! As always, each is BPA free. Brand: Hutzler, Model: 359YL, Color: 1-piece, Size: yellow
Custom Tab 01
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