Guide Gear Stainless Steel Electric Food Slicer — 8.7in. Blade

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  • Die-cast aluminum assembly for durability, light weight
  • Perfect for cutting meats, cheeses, vegetables, bread
  • Extra-large angled platform for holding food items at a slight angle for ease of slicing
  • Dishwasher-safe high-grade FDA plastic food pusher for gripping and holding food secure, protecting hands and fingers
  • Adjustable 8.7in. stainless steel serrated blade for slicing pieces up to 9/16in. thick

  • This Guide Gear Stainless Steel Electric Food Slicer with a die-cast aluminum assembly is durable, lightweight and perfect for cutting meats, cheeses, vegetables and even bread. The extra-large angled platform allows you to hold food items at a slight angle for ease of slicing, while the food pusher allows you to grip and hold food secure, protecting hands and fingers. The food pusher is made of dishwasher-safe high-grade FDA plastic. The 8.7in. stainless steel serrated blade is adjustable for slicing pieces up to 9/16in. thick. Speed control allows you to slice fast or slow to accommodate various food textures. The quiet 180W motor is strong enough for the toughest tasks, including cutting frozen foods. The base grips a countertop for stationary stability. 16.2in.L x 10in.W x 12in.H.
    Brand: Generic, Model: 1A-FS204Q, Color: Silver

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