The original patented Set of 2 flexible nonstick silicone PoachPods for poaching eggs
Simply float PoachPod in simmering water to poach an egg
Fusionbrands is the inventor of patented PoachPod, which is protected under U.S. & international Patents & Trademarks. Because of PoachPod's success there are many poorly made counterfeits.
Do not be fooled into believing that those goods are sanctioned by Fusionbrands. Be aware they are not genuine Fusionbrands products. Know we are addressing the situation to protect consumers.
Heat-resistant to 675 degrees F, dishwasher and microwave safe; food safe and FDA compliant. Fusionbrands is a US based company.
Fusionbrands is the innovator of the one-and-only original patented PoachPod, a flexible silicone cooking tool for making quick and easy poached eggs. Float the pod in water like a lily pad on a pond and when the egg is ready, simply flip the nonstick pod inside out gently pushing out the perfectly domed shaped egg out. The PoachPod can also be used for baking or molding. Place in the dishwasher for easy clean up! The PoachPod is heat resistant to 675 DegreeF and is microwave safe. BPA free food-safe silicone. Brand: FusionBrands, Model: 8045-155, Color: Translucent Turquoise, Size: PoachPod
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