Keep near your ground coffee, longer handle helps to scoop from larger sized cans or bags
Measures out 1 full tablespoon quickly and easily
Also great for scooping tea leaves or measuring other ingredients
Start off your morning right and get the perfect scoop of coffee every time. Fox Run's Coffee Scoop is made of sleek, high quality 18/8 stainless steel and measures 1 full tablespoon of coffee quickly and easily. For utmost convenience, even when you've just woken up, this handy scoop can be kept right near your ground coffee, so you can get that first cup brewing faster. The tool features a longer handle to scoop from the bottom of larger sized canisters, jars, or bags. Also great for scooping and measuring tea leaves, spices, and other cooking or baking ingredients. Make those early hours easier by adding this essential coffee accessory to your morning routine. Brand: Fox Run, Model: 5898, Color: Silver, Size: Regular
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