Cuisinart CJE-500 Compact Juice Extractor

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Brand Cuisinart
Model CJE-500
Color Black
Size 11.5 x 11.8 x 14.2 Inch

  • Juice Pitcher holds up to 16 ounces of juice, and can be replaced for uninterrupted juicing
  • Pulp container collects up to 40 ounces and is removable for easy cleaning
  • Food Pusher fits securely into feed tube to guide fruits and vegetables properly while juicing
  • Adjustable flow spout is manually controlled and prevents dripping
  • Mesh filter basket and blade assembly grinds fruits and vegetables to extract maximum amount of juice; easily separates pulp

  • The Cuisinart Compact Juice Extractor

    Eat Healthier, Live Better

    Extracted juice captures about 95% of the nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables. Drinking extracted juice is the fastest and most efficient way for your body to digest and absorb all of those nutrients. Digesting whole fruits can take about an hour; extracted juices take only 15 minutes. Now you can create these tasty, nutritious juices, smoothies and more right at home with the Cuisinart Compact Juice Extractor.

    Powerful, Easy, Quiet Operation

    Juice your fruits and vegetables at the touch of a button with the Cuisinart Compact Juice Extractor. The CJE-500 is designed for continuous juicing so you can juice everything from soft foods and leafy greens to denser fruits and veggies. When full, the pulp container can be removed, emptied and replaced to continue juicing. You can juice directly into your own 8-ounce glass or into the 16-ounce juice pitcher to share. Get mess-free juicing as well with the manually controlled adjustable flow spout. Create all your favorites or find new ones with the included recipe booklet.

    Clean & Easy

    The pulp container, juice pitcher, cover and filter basket/blade assembly are all removable and dishwasher-safe, making cleanup easy. A cleaning brush is also included to remove excess pulp from the filter basket/blade assembly and the lid. With its compact size, it will suit any kitchen. Create your own juice bar at home with the Cuisinart Compact Juice Extractor.


    One-Touch Operation An on/off push button with blue LED makes the juicer easy to use.

    Mesh Filter Basket & Blade Assembly Easily separates pulp and grinds to extract the maximum amount of juice.

    Food Pusher Fits securely into the feed tube to guide fruits and vegetables properly while juicing.

    Cover with Large Feed Tube Minimizes the time spent pre-cutting ingredients.

    Safety Bar Must be up and locked over the cover for the juicer to operate.

    Pulp Container Collects up to 40 ounces and is removable for easy cleaning.

    Adjustable Flow Spout Controlled manually and prevents dripping.

    Juice Pitcher Holds up to 16 ounces of juice and can be replaced for uninterrupted juicing.

    Custom Tab 01

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