Clean Bottle Express¨ Carboy Scrubber

Clean Bottle Express
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  • Efficient and Effortless Carboy Cleaning with sewn in scrubber pads for those extremely tough to clean carboys
  • Clean Carboys and Cornelius Kegs without needing to maneuver a bristle brush around by hand
  • Chamois Material is cut to perfection based on our patented design which cleans the inside of the carboy neck, sides, and bottom base extremely fast and effortless
  • Designed using a high synthetic plastic rod which keeps your bottle scratch free during cleaning process
  • Attaches to any Cordless or Power Drill with a chuck

  • Third Coast Design Works has done it again and revolutionized the cleaning process for the home brewer and wine maker for cleaning your carboy bottles or Cornelius (Corny) Kegs. With Spiral Force Technology, the Clean Bottle Express Carboy Brush will clean your carboy in a fraction of the time it takes with the standard carboy bristle brush. The product attaches to any standard cordless or power drill which provides any home brewer and wine maker an efficient and effortless cleaning process. With sewn in "Scrubber Pads", this product will ensure you can clean extremely dirty carboys with little effort. Please check out our website to view our video on how easy it is to clean your bottles with this brand new product designed out of frustration from past cleaning experiences.
    Brand: Clean Bottle Express, Model: COMINHKPR101056

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