Boska Holland Monaco Collection Stainless Steel Cheese Grater for Semi Hard to Very Hard Cheese

Boska Holland
Out Of Stock


  • Stainless steel hand held cheese grater for semi hard and hard cheeses
  • Sleek, stainless steel blade and handle design
  • Provides an effortless way to grate semi hard and hard cheeses
  • Measures 3.2 x 0.80 x 11 inches
  • Dishwasher safe

  • At Boska Holland we've been crazy about cheese for over 100 years! From that day it's our family tradition to inspire you on your journey through the delicious cheeses of the world. Explore cheese and enjoy it. Boska represents beautiful, smart products for cheese. Our rich variety of designs caters to the taste of any cheese lover. Boska creates an environment where everyone can enjoy cheese in their own way. Boska is continuously looking for new tools to explore all types of cheese in familiar and innovative ways. Freshly-grated cheese makes the perfect complement to your salad, pasta or any other dish you fancy. This stainless steel cheese grater allows you to grate semi hard to very hard cheeses effortlessly. You just pull the grater over the cheese (so no hurting your fingers or knuckels). It is a practical luxury for every kitchen.
    Brand: Boska Holland, Model: 307064, Color: Silver, Size: 11 Inch

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