AirDry Wine Glass Drying Rack, No-Tip design Holds 4 Glasses by Architec

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  • The AirDry Wine Glass Drying Rack by Architec holds any size wine glass so it dries naturally with a spotless, crystal clear surface
  • The stable, no-tip design will hold from 1 to 4 glasses at a time; soft-touch rubber fingers provide a gentle, secure cradle for the base of each glass
  • The drying rack suspends each glass well above the counter for optimal air circulation, ensuring a crystal clear surface without wiping or drying with a cloth
  • To clean, wipe with a damp cloth; rack disassembles for easy, compact storage when not in use but the brushed stainless steel finish and interesting design make it pretty enough to leave on display
  • Architec - creating a better experience in the kitchen by improving every day items through the combination of architecture and engineering

  • The AirDry Wine Glass Drying Rack by Architec will give you spotless stem glasses with no effort at all! It holds up to 4 glasses of any size well above the counter with plenty of air circulation for each glass so they dry naturally with a crystal clear surface. The stable, no-tip design will hold 1 to 4 glasses at a time with no worry of tipping due to balance. The soft-touch rubber fingers provide a gentle, secure cradle for the base of each glass while they air dry. To clean the rack, wipe with a damp cloth, for best results do not submerge in water. The rack disassembles for easy, compact storage when not in use but the brushed stainless steel finish and interesting design make it pretty enough to leave on display. Architec - creating a better experience in the kitchen by improving every day items through the combination of architecture and engineering
    Brand: Architec, Model: ADWGDR, Color: Stainless, Size: 13-Inch

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