40 pcs Beer Faucet Caps Tap Soothers Sanitary Covers

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  • The best way to keep faucets clean and sanitary
  • Protects faucets from insects and bacteria that can get into the spout of your faucet
  • An essential part of draft faucet hygiene
  • Save money - buy in bulk

  • You probably do not really want to know about all of the things that can get up inside the spout of a draft faucet. Lets just say that fruit flies are probably the more tame beasties that can get up in there and taint your beer. Sanitation and hygiene are a life style in the beer world but in a home draft system beer faucets are an inconspicuous place that people rarely think about. Most individuals are pretty good about regular line cleaning, and I'm sure most kegerators out there are pretty spotless, however it is all of the time between uses where small amounts of beer residue inside of the tap spout can remain after pouring your prized brew. This leftover beer will attract insects and harbor bacteria, so the next time you pour a few, that beer might not be so pristine. So what do we do about it That is where the Tap Soother comes in! We recommend keeping a spray bottle of sanitizer in your bar (like Star San from 5 Star Chemicals). When you are ready to shut the bar down for the night, just give the inside of your faucet a little spritz of sanitizer then slip on your faucet cap. The cap will keep the insides of your faucet spout nice, clean and bug free until you are ready to pour another beer. Another advantage to these faucet caps is that they can help prevent dried beer from sicking your faucet shut. The best way to keep faucets clean and sanitary. Protects faucets from insects and bacteria that can get into the spout of your faucet. Simple and effective. Works with nearly all types and brands of draft faucet including Perlick. An essential part of draft faucet hygiene.
    Brand: Stir-Plate, Model: DC-3, Color: Black

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