Promotes lymph circulation while providing a fun workout
The Rody horse is a funny and valuable support tool used for body movement. It helps developing balance, movement skills and coordination. It helps improving and harmonizing your child trunk, legs and arms muscles. It has been adopted in many nursery schools as psycho-motor tool. It is used by therapists to enhance language, memory and perception skills. However it is mainly an involving and relaxing toy, a pleasant and calming entertainment, which stimulates Group activities and relations. Since its first appearance on the market in 1984, Rody has been greatly appreciated by children because of its rounded design, its resiliency and softness. Rody surely belongs to the "evergreen" toy category. Thanks to the removable bases (not included) you can turn Rody into a rocking or wheeled horse!. Brand: Gymnic, Model: 7007, Color: Purple
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