Decorative, etched design complements the decor of many rooms, portable, battery-operated unit adds fragrance anywhere, easy-open latch design makes changing refills easy
There are two ways to spray, time settings: choose one of three time settings to select how often you would like your fragrance, boost button: press the button for an extra burst of fragrance anytime you want it
Choose from a variety of quality glade fragrances, refills last 60 days when set at the 36 minute setting. Refill fits glade and air wick freshmatic sprays
Also fits air wick freshmatic ultra, ultra I-motion , and Lysol neutral air freshmatic sprays or your money back Air wick and related brands are registered trademarks of Reckitt Benckiser
Glade automatic spray is a battery-operated unit that time-releases fragrance automatically, while a boost button provides more control with an instant burst of fragrance-and when it comes to certain rooms in our home, that's called peace of mind. Take off into the crashing waves with scents of orange and green tea. Feel invigorated with glade blue odyssey. Brand: Glade, Model: SYNCHKG081355, Color: Blue
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