Melissa & Doug K's Kids Take-Along Shape Sorter Baby Toy With 2-Sided Activity Bag and 9 Textured Shape Blocks

Melissa & Doug
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  • Padded shape sorter perfect for babies and toddlers
  • Includes padded case with 2 activity sides and a take-along handle, plus 9 shaped, textured blocks in 9 colors
  • Crinkly flaps have pictures of familiar things above, matching shapes beneath
  • Part of Melissa & Doug K's Kids line of early developmental toys
  • Encourages sensory skills, fine motor skills, and more

  • More than a shape sorter--this is an on-the-go activity center! Using nine plastic shapes and the padded carrying case, children can lift crinkly flaps, identify the pictures, match the shapes, and drop the textured blocks through the sorter . . . then pull the plush dog around the edge to unzip the case and start it all again! The baby- and toddler-friendly games and learning activities are great for enjoying together or for independent play, and are sure to keep little ones giggling while they learn. The easy-to-grasp padded handle makes it easy to carry the whole set from place to place--even for crawlers, scooters, and emerging walkers.
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 9185, Color: Multicolor, Size: One Size

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