Melissa & Doug K's Kids Match and Build Soft Blocks Set

Melissa & Doug
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  • Soft block set for babies and toddlers
  • Matching activities pair numerals and quantities, animal halves and everyday shapes
  • Soft, lightweight pieces are easy for young children to lift and manipulate
  • Part of Melissa & Doug K's Kids toys for babies and toddlers
  • Develops these skills: sensory, fine motor, gross motor, logical, creative, linguistic, communication, and self-esteem
  • Set includes 10 - 3" cube blocks and 4 triangles
  • Washable

  • Build them up and knock them down--14 soft blocks combine in endless creative combinations . . . and topple with a gentle bounce that makes them safest for little ones. Match & Build Blocks can build much more than towers, too: This colorful soft-block set helps develop motor skills, logical connections, creativity, and more, so it grows along with a child, helping build key developmental skills along the way. Kid-friendly artwork on the coordinating cubes encourages matching activities (numerals with quantities, animal heads and tails, and everyday shapes), puzzling (complete the picture of a Ferris wheel!), and even sequential thinking and storytelling with before-and-after flaps on three of the blocks. With unlimited open-ended opportunities for learning and play, kids can also create their own sorting games and creative combinations--and of course, the 14 soft blocks make a terrific tower, castle, boat, or rocket ship! Melissa & Doug K's Kids toys nurture early childhood development in three key skill areas: physical, cognitive, and social. With interactive designs and multisensory features, K's Kids promotes constructive play and effortless learning, keeping interest high and new skills flourishing throughout the baby and toddler years!
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 9167, Color: Multi, Size: One Size

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