Steel metal ball is a replacement ball for the WE Games Shoot the Moon Game
Measures 1.06 inch in diameter and weighs approximately 80 grams
This is an exact match for WE Games ASINS B0009Z3IPK and B00M230D7I
Steel ball is also the standard weight & size for pinball
Comes with a velvet pouch and WE Games brand name on plastic bag.
This is a replacement ball for Wood Expressions Shoot the Moon game ASINS B0009Z3IPK and B00M230D7I. This steel ball is also the standard size of a pinball with diameter of 1.06 in. and weighs 80 grams. Since pinballs and Shoot-the-Moon balls will vary by manufacturer, please be sure you are ordering the correct size as we do not accept exchanges. A 1.125 inch steel ball is also available by manufacturer Wood Expressions. Brand: WE Games
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