Sphero Mini Pink: The App-Controlled Robot Ball

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  • Drive - Drive Mini several ways with the Sphero Mini app - Joystick, Tilt, Slingshot, or Face Drive.
  • Face Drive - Face Drive is a hilarious new feature that uses your facial expressions to drive the ball.
  • Gaming - Sphero Mini can be used with the app as a video game controller. Play 3 games with more updates on the way.
  • Coding - Download the Sphero Edu app and program your Sphero Mini bot using JavaScript.
  • Interchangeable Shells - Colorful, interchangeable shells allow you to switch one out to suit your mood.

  • Sphero Mini packs tons of fun into a tiny, app-enabled robot about the size of a ping pong ball. Drive Mini several ways with the Sphero Mini app, or just by using your face. Yes, you read that right. Face Drive is a hilarious new feature that uses your facial expressions to drive the ball.

    Mini's games are just as addicting – use the ball as a controller to shoot your way through space, race a ship through a tunnel, or rotate your ball to destroy a polygon of bricks. Thanks to the beauty of app updates, there's always more on the way. If you're feeling extra clever, download the Sphero Edu app and program your robot using JavaScript.

    Packed with teeny tiny tech, Sphero Mini has a little gyroscope, accelerometer, and LED lights. Colorful, interchangeable shells are available, so you can easily switch one out to suit your mood. With almost an hour of play time, Sphero Mini is the next big thing.

    Brand: Sphero, Model: M001PRW, Color: Pink, Size: 1.57"

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