Little Pretender Walkie Talkies for Kids, 2 Mile Range, 3 Channels, Built in Flash Light

Little Pretender
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  • 3 CHANNELS 2 MILE RANGE An impressive 2 mile range and 3 channels enable long distance play and open a world of possibilities within your child's outdoor adventures!
  • LOADED WITH FEATURES A bright LCD display, call alert function, and built-in flashlight plus belt clip will make kids feel like true agents on a mission!
  • CRYSTAL CLEAR SOUND No more mumbo jumbo! With a developed clear voice technology, your child's voice will be crystallized to perfection.
  • CHILD FRIENDLY DESIGN These will fit comfortably in children's hands with our special ergonomic design. An uncomplicated push-to-talk button makes this toy easy to use for all ages!
  • BEST QUALITY With a super durable yet lightweight build, these walkie talkies are easy to carry around while resisting wear and tear to provide kids with endless entertainment!

  • Fulfill the fantasies of your favorite young firefighter, policeman, EMT or SWAT wannabe! Featuring 3 channels and a remarkable 2-mile distance range, kids can now carry on long distance top-secret conversations. By encouraging outdoor play, these will enable them to explore their environment and gain self-confidence and social skills. Made with the highest quality materials, these walkie talkies will be sure to resist childhood rough and tough while providing non-stop play. Runs on 3 AAA batteries per unit (not included). Witness your child's fascination and don't be surprised if you're tempted to join in the play. Roger that!
    Brand: Little Pretender

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