LeapFrog Leapster Learning Game: Disney Pixar Cars 2

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  • Appropriate for children ages 4 to 7 years
  • Kids connect online for extra activities and rewards
  • Works with Leapster and Leapster2 systems
  • Parents can connect online to the LeapFrog Learning Path to see what their child is playing and learning

  • The heart-pounding, tire-blazing World Grand Prix is underway, and Mater and Lightning McQueen are caught up in the excitement! When Mater becomes part of a top-secret spy mission, help him by collecting cool gear while playing 6 high-octane mathematics games. Features expanded play for the Leapster2 system, so Leapster2 players can connect online for extra games, activities and rewards, and parents can get detailed learning progress reports through the online LeapFrog Learning Path. Appropriate for children ages 4 to 7 years (grades pre-K to 1). Works only with Leapster and Leapster2 learning game systems.
    Brand: LeapFrog, Model: 80-30755E, Color: Assorted Colours

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