LeapFrog Leapster Learning Game: 1st Grade

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  • Join Leap, Lily and Tad at the Beach Boardwalk for fun in the sun with first grade reading and math skills!
  • Match the word parts in the bubbles to create compound words.
  • Solve the equations on the bumper cars and guide them to the correct exit.
  • Transform a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly by helping it eat the correct letters to spell words.
  • Teaches reading skills, addition, subtraction, geometry and fractions.

  • Your first grader can spend a fun-filled day on the boardwalk, no matter what the weather with this 1st Grade Leapster software for their Leapster by LeapFrog. Six action-packed learning games and activities reward kids with tokens. Enough tokens earn them an exciting race at the grand opening of the RC racetrack. Teaches over 70 essential 1st Grade reading and math skills. Multiple skill levels keep the action fresh. Imported.
    Brand: LeapFrog, Model: 80-30421E

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