Kamigami Musubi Robot

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  • Kamigami makes robot engineering fun and easy
  • Build your robot by folding Lightweight, flat sheets of plastic
  • Program your robot with easy-to-use interface that puts you in control
  • Play with your robot by driving, racing and battling using the free app
  • Teach your Kamigami new tricks and games

  • Kamigami is a build-it-yourself robot platform using foldable plastic material! Designed after nature's fastest critters, they magically fold up from a flat sheet & zoom over almost any terrain, even outside. Download the free app from your favorite app store to drive your Kamigami, battle with friends, play interactive games, or, best of all, design and program your robot's reactions, games and movements. The visual programming interface makes it easy to blink lights, play sounds and maneuver around obstacles. The app will continually offer new updates and game suggestions, so there's no room to get bored. Kamigami are light as a feather and quick as a bug!
    Brand: Mattel, Model: FTT94

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