Hot Wheels R/C Star Wars Darth Vader Vehicle

Hot Wheels
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  • The power of the dark side is in your hands with this Hot Wheels RC car, perfect for any Star Wars fan!
  • The fully functional vehicle is designed in 1:18 scale with glowing light sabers on the sides
  • Authentic sound effects are activated when car rolls or when button on hood is pressed
  • Use the remote control to send the car forward, left or right
  • Explore your empire and conquer the galaxy!

  • The power of the dark side is in your hands with this Hot Wheels RC car -- perfect for any Star Wars fan! Designed in 1:18 scale, the sleek black vehicle's shape recalls the iconic helmet of Darth Vader. Glowing light sabers decorate the sides, and as it rolls it emits authentic Darth Vader sound effects for maximum intimidation. Sounds can also be activated by pushing the button on the hood. Use the remote control to steer this fully functional car forward, left or right to explore your empire and conquer the galaxy! Includes RC car and controller. Each sold separately, subject to availability. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Hot Wheels, Model: DMB45, Color: black

    Custom Tab 01

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