Rowenta IS6200 Compact Valet Full Size Garment and Fabric Steamer with Foot Operated On-Off Switch, 1500-Watt, Blue

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  • Build-in hanger with garment clips and hanger hook to hold garment in place for more convenient steaming
  • Extra-large removable transparent water tank holds 81-ounce of regular tap water for 1 hour of continuous steam
  • Foot operated on/off switch with indicator light is designed for comfort and ease of use; large back wheels for convenient movability
  • Soft touch, stay cool handle and fabric hose for added comfort when steaming; telescopic pole to adjust height, push down for compact storage
  • Large set of accessories: crease attachment, fabric brush and lint pad

  • Wrinkles quickly vanish from fabric with this Rowenta IS6200U2 Compact Valet full-size garment steamer—perfect for steaming hanging garments, upholstery, curtains, slipcovers, and more. In addition to removing wrinkles, it also works well for killing germs, reducing dust mites, and eliminating smoke and other odors from fabrics and various home furnishings. The 1500-watt garment steamer provides a stay-cool handle, a flexible fabric hose, and a large steam head that emits high-volume powerful steam with a wide diffusion for fast, efficient results. A built-in hanger with garment clips and a hanger hook help keep garments securely in place. The garment steamer's extra-large transparent water tank allows for checking on water levels at a glance, and the tank holds up to 81 ounces of regular tap water and can be removed for easy filling at the sink. On a full tank, the garment steamer produces up to an hour of continuous steam. Complete projects from start to finish without having to stop and refill. Thoughtfully designed, the garment steamer features a telescopic pole, which offers an adjustable height for steaming at a comfortable level and pushes down for compact, easy storage. Other highlights include a foot-operated on/off switch, large back wheels, and a suitcase-style tilt-and-roll configuration for simple transport. Accessories include a crease attachment for tailored trousers, a fabric brush for enhanced efficiency, and a lint pad for a perfectly tidy appearance. The Rowenta IS6200U2 Compact Valet full-size garment steamer makes a great choice for ultimate convenience and professional-quality results.
    Brand: Rowenta, Model: 1830005047, Color: Hanger, Size: One Size

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