Household Essentials 129 Portable Ironing Blanket Mat- Heat Resistant - Grey

Household Essentials
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  • Heat & scorch-resistant ironing blanket creates an ironing surface almost anywhere
  • Non-slip foam backing keeps blanket in place while in use
  • Great for travel, apartment, or dorm use when an ironing board isn't available
  • Blanket rolls up compactly to fit in a closet, on a shelf, under the bed, or it can fold easily to lay in a drawer
  • 21.75"H x 28.25"W

  • Household Essentials Ironing Blanket helps you stay freshly pressed when an ironing board is inconvenient. This thin, compact blanket lays over flat surfaces to create a smooth ironing surface out of dressers, desks, and washing machine tops. While it works best on hard surfaces, it also works effectively on softer surfaces like a made bed or the carpet. It is held in place by its non-slip backing. The blanket has a heat and scorch-resistant silicone coating that allows you to iron your clothing safely. Perfect for back to school and college! And it makes a great gift for new apartments and small houses. The ironing blanket rolls up compactly to fit in a closet, on a shelf, or under the bed. Or it folds easily to lay in a drawer. It even stows perfectly in your suitcase for pressing away from home. Stay fresh and pressed with the convenient comfort of a blanket. Household Essentials Ironing Blanket is 21.75 inches long and 28.25 inches wide.
    Brand: Household Essentials, Model: 129, Color: Grey, Size: 1Pack

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