Steel mesh top is 36" long x 13" wide, a full 15% larger than standard countertop boards
Distinctive leg shape permits garments to slide onto board without interference
8" height makes ironing on any surface more comfortable
Convenient hanging hook for storage
100% cotton cover with polyurethane foam pad. Solid blue. Imported
The Homz premium countertop board is the ultimate in convenience and function. It features a steel mesh top that is 15% larger than other countertop boards. The 8" leg height and unique leg profile accommodate larger garments. It's lightweight and easy to store with a convenient hook that allows it to hang on the closet rod. The 100% cotton cover with foam pad ensures a smooth ironing surface. Great for crafts and quick ironing needs. Imported. Brand: HOMZ, Model: 4350075, Color: Blue, Size: 36 x 13 x 6 Inches
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