Conair ExtremeSteam Professional Upright Fabric Steamer

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Brand Conair
Model GS95
Color Stainless

  • Dual heat technology provides faster, hotter steam for better results
  • Helps eliminate dust mites and bedbugs
  • 1800 Watts of power and 100-second heat-up feature
  • T-nozzle with aluminum face plate and on/off switch
  • Concentrated steam is up to 40% hotter and passes through fabric 3x faster for professional results

  • Conair just built a better steamer! The Extreme Steam Upright Fabric Steamer features dual heat technology that brings water to a boil in the base, and then heats it again in the nozzle to release hotter steam. The ultra-high heat temperature creates smaller water molecules that move faster to penetrate deep into any fabric. 1800 Watts of power helps eliminate dust mites and bedbugs and the 100-second heat-up feature gets the job done quickly. Concentrated steam is up to 40% hotter and passes through fabric 3x faster for professional results!

    Some Important Tips: Decalcify before first use keeping hose upright

    Custom Tab 01

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