Southern Champion Tray 0567#500 Hearthstone Clay Coated Paperboard Food Tray/Boat/Bowl, 5 lb Capacity (Case of 500)

Southern Champion Tray
In Stock


Brand Southern Champion Tray
Model 0567
Color Brown
Size 5 lb

  • SCT's hearthstone design creates an instant warm and rustic vibe, this is great for: Food Trucks, Restaurants, Weddings, Quinceañeras, Graduations, Back Yard BBQ's, Movie Nights, Picnics, Fairs, Carnivals, Themed Parties, Birthday Parties, and any other food-serving event!
  • This sized boat best holds: burger and multiple sides, hotdog and multiple sides, chicken tenders and multiple sides, kabab and multiple sides, BBQ and multiple sides, tacos, burritos, sandwich and multiple sides, salads, fries, snacks, cookies, cake, ice-cream, and other full size meal items of comparable size - 5 lb boats are LARGE.
  • Grease and leak resistant - strong even when holding greasy / wet foods! Not recommended for liquid foods such as soup.
  • The sturdy side walls make them easy to eat from while standing or sitting with no table! They are very kid friendly and help to reduce spills and accidents.
  • Extremely versatile! Users report they're great for holding ingredients while cooking, storing craft supplies, nuts and bolts, and much more!
  • Top:8-21/32" x 5-15/32" x 2-9/64" (L x W x H)
  • Bottom: 6-3/4"x 3-5/8"x 2-5/16" (L x W x H)
  • Made in Chattanooga, TN from renewable resources; these food grade paper trays are compostable and recyclable! Southern Champion Tray is the manufacturer of this item.

  • Hearthstone Food Trays - Hot or cold, spicy or sweet, Southern Champion Food Trays are a great and easy way to serve just about anything! The single-use trays are made of clay coated board and are offered in a wide range of sizes, all of which are microwaveable. In addition, food trays are recyclable and compostable where facilities exist. Southern Champion Tray manufactures paperboard packaging products. The company, founded in 1927, is headquartered in Chattanooga, TN.

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