Snapshot 2.5 boasts more control than any other pre-emergent herbicide on the market
Up to 6-8 months of control for 111 broadleaf and grassy weeds
Application rate: 2.3 to 4.6 lb per 1000 square feet
Material must be applied before rainfall or irrigation
Broad Spectrum control of weeds and grasses using active ingredients isoxaben and trifluralin
Up to 6-8 months of control for 111 broadleaf and grassy weeds in 413 field-grown and 235 container-grown ornamentals without harm! Thats more than any other pre-emergent herbicide on the market.For use on landscape ornamentals, ground covers, perennials, Christmas tree plantations, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, container and field-grown ornamentals. Application rate: 2.3 to 4.6 lb per 1000 square feet, depending on weeds to be controlled. Important that this material is applied before rainfall or irrigation, otherwise work into the top 1-2 inches of soil. 50 pound bag. Brand: A.M. Leonard, Size: 50_pound
Custom Tab 01
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