The World's Greatest Store'N Pour Oil Bottle, BPA Free, 13.5-Ounce Capacity

HIC Harold Import Co.
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Brand HIC Harold Import Co.
Model 29013
Color Black
Size 13.5 oz., Glass

  • The World's Greatest Store'N Pour Oil Bottle for storing and pouring cooking oils without a drippy mess
  • Made from glass with European-grade stainless steel, silicone, and plastic; BPA free and FDA approved; sturdy and durable
  • Built-in spout ensures a drip-free pour every time; inner lid is fully sealed to prevent liquids from becoming trapped inside
  • Easy single-handed use; tilt upside down and lid opens automatically for pouring; turn upright to automatically close lid for storage
  • Great for olive oil, vegetable, avocado, sunflower, walnut or fractionated coconut oil, vinegars and salad dressings; hand wash in warm, soapy water

  • The World's Greatest Store'N Pour Oil Bottle is specially designed with a gravity-style pourer lid to store and pour cooking oils without a drippy mess. With a 13.5-ounce capacity, it conveniently holds ample amounts of cooking oils nearby. The built-in spout ensures a drip-free pour every time. The inner lid is fully sealed to prevent liquids from becoming trapped inside. Easy single-handed use. Simply tilt upside down and the lid opens automatically for pouring. Turn upright and the lid closes for storage. Perfect for EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), vegetable oil, avocado oil, fractionated coconut oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil, and vinegars. Great for mixing and pouring salad dressings, too. Made from glass with European-grade stainless steel, silicone, and plastic, The World's Greatest Store'N Pour Oil Bottle is BPA free, FDA approved, sturdy and durable. Hand wash in warm, soapy water.

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