Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour Paint Field Plus Set, Set of 12, Half Pans

Winsor & Newton
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  • Cotman Water Colors are a range of water colors that are made to our normal high quality standards but costs are kept to an economical level by replacing some of the more costly pigments with less expensive alternatives
  • The range consists of colors in tubes and pans which possess good transparency, excellent tinting strength and good working properties
  • The Cotman Field PLUS is a compact and easy to carry set which transforms into the ultimate field water color set, containing everything you need to paint outdoors

  • Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colors are a range of water colors that are made to our normal high quality standards but costs are kept to an economical level by replacing some of the more costly pigments with less expensive alternatives. The range consists of colors in tubes and pans which possess good transparency, excellent tinting strength and good working properties. There are also a number of excellent water color sets available in the Cotman range. The Cotman Field PLUS is a compact and easy to carry set which transforms into the ultimate field water color set, containing everything you need to paint outdoors. Constructed in durable plastic with thumb ring, the Field Plus opens to reveal 12 half pans of Cotman water colors, a Cotman Pocket Brush (No.5), Artists' Sponge, 2 clip-on water pots and a 60ml capacity water bottle. It also offers 3 substantial mixing surfaces, one internal mixing palette with deep wells and two detachable sliding palettes with more shallow wells.
    Brand: Winsor & Newton, Model: 95437, Color: Assorted Colors, Size: whole pan

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