Waterford Lismore 7oz Rounded Tumbler, Pair

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Brand Waterford
Model COMINHKPR81010
Color Clear

  • Pair of elegant Waterford Crystal Lismore bar glasses
  • Soft curvature makes this tumbler extremely comfortable in the hand, and allows for a pleasant swirling experience with any blended scotch, Irish whiskey or bourbon
  • Hand-crafted of lead crystal by European master craftsmen
  • Hand wash
  • 7 oz capacity; 3.5" tall

  • The Waterford Lismore Connoisseur Whiskey Series respects and reveres whiskeys of all varieties with a flight of hand crafted crystal tasting glasses, each one individually shaped and designed for a specific whiskey to be enjoyed straight, neat, or on the rocks. How you choose to drink your whiskey will determine the best Lismore Connoisseur glass for your particular pour. The Lismore Connoisseur Rounded Tumbler, Pair allows the whiskey connoisseur to enjoy a good swirl to appreciate the body and color of the liquor, and is ample enough to accommodate a spot of water or ice. The soft curvature of this tumbler makes it extremely comfortable in the hand, and allows for a pleasant swirling experience with any blended scotch, Irish whiskey or bourbon.

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