Vornado SRTH Small Room Tower Heater, Black

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Brand Vornado
Model SRTH
Color Black

  • Signature V-Flow heat circulation with wide heating zone
  • 2 heat settings with fan-only option
  • Automatic safety tip-over switch and overheat shut-off protection
  • Easy-to-use controls with 4-hour auto-off timer
  • Backed by a 5-year limited warranty
  • Built to meet U.S. voltage requirements. Certified, safety-tested, and warrantied for use only in the U.S.

  • The Vornado SRTH effectively circulates heat, without the need for oscillation, using V-Flow heat circulation. By passing the heat through specially contoured louvers, the SRTH distributes the heated air in a wide, V-shaped pattern that creates a more consistently comfortable space. This wide, powerful airflow is superior to oscillating heaters that create unbalanced heat output and leave hot and cold spots in the room. The SRTH gives you simple control providing 2 heat settings and a continuous fan-only setting for year-round use. The SRTH is equipped with a host of safety features, including a tip over switch, automatic safety shut off if airflow becomes obstructed, a sturdy, non-oscillating base, and an exterior that stays cool to the touch, even after hours of operation. Model is made for 120 volts only.

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