Dixie TM517 Medium Weight Polystyrene Teaspoon, 5.88" Length, Black (Case of 1,000)

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Brand Georgia-Pacific
Model TM517
Color Black
Size 5.88 inches Length (Case of 1,000)

  • Disposable plastic spoon for use with soft or lightweight foods and many firm foods such as soft-serve ice cream or yogurt, ripe cantaloupe and similar fruits, and cooked cereals
  • Made of polystyrene for rigidity and durability
  • Black plastic teaspoon coordinates with other black utensils and many tableware designs and decorations
  • Measures 5.88" and comes in a case of 1,000

  • The Dixie 2338W disposable white paper cup has an 8 oz. capacity and is polylined to help resist heat and prevent leaks, and it is suitable for use with hot beverages such as coffee, tea, and hot chocolate, among others. This disposable cup can be used with a Dixie 9538DX lid (sold separately) to help prevent spills and with a Dixie DS1 dispenser (sold separately) for storing and dispensing. It comes in sleeves of 50 cups.

    Dixie brand products, manufactured by Georgia-Pacific, include cups, cutlery, dinnerware, food wrapping, and storage containers for use in homes and the food service industry. Georgia-Pacific, founded in 1927, is headquartered in Atlanta, GA.

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