Sunshine Joy 3D Epic Tropical Paradise Surf Wave Palm Tree Tapestry Tablecloth Beach Sheet Wall Art Huge 60 x 90 Inches - Classic

Sunshine Joy
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Brand Sunshine Joy
Model 76111
Color Classic
Size 60x90 Inches

  • 3D REACTIVE ARTWORK: Amazing visual effects when viewed with 3D glasses
  • HUGE: Measures approximately 60 by 90 inches.
  • LOOPED: Equipped with sturdy corner loops for easy hanging, tying & beach staking
  • AUTHENTIC: Hand crafted in India using traditional methods
  • VERSATILE: Makes a great wall hanging, tablecloth, beach cover up, couch cover or window curtain

  • 3D Epic Beach Scene Tapestry -- Artwork by Chris Pinkerton ----- Sunshine Joy 3-D Tapestries take beautiful, large-scale art and design into another dimension. Imagine staring at your new Sunshine Joy tapestry intently as it hangs on your wall. You marvel at its intricate and well-crafted design and love the beauty it brings to your environment; the colors and artwork are inspiring! One would never expect anything more from this printed fabric. But then, you break out Sunshine Joy 3-D Glasses and WOW! You have gone deep down the rabbit hole and into another dimension. It appears that you can get your hands behind the colors, and it's fun watching your friends do just that. The designs look beautiful to the naked eye and incredible with our 3-D glasses-----Perfect at home for tablecloths, bed-sheets, room dividers, curtains, window treatments, ceiling decor and to quickly cover up-----The corner loops make our tapestries the perfect multipurpose outdoor traveling companion. At festivals, stake out an appropriate amount of space for your friends. Tie up for a beautiful sunscreen at the campsite. Great at the beach as a windproof beach sheet or sun cover-up-----100% cotton, Sunshine Joy tapestries are printed in a process unique to India. They are your favorite hippie tapestry; thin as a sheet with tight power loom construction and hemmed edges. Sunshine Joy tapestries are printed with a special, soft fiber-reactive dye giving you the same soft feeling of your favorite tie-dyed T-shirt. This tapestry is printed on one side only but may have some colors bleed through for a double sided effect-----Approximately 5 feet by 7.5 feet - 60 inches by 90 inches -152 centimeters by 228 centimeters - 1.52 meters by 2.28 meters. This tapestry fits a twin XL college dorm bed.

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