Rösle Stainless Steel 9-inch Silicone Coated Locking Tongs

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Brand Rosle
Model 12928
Color Silicone
Size 9-Inch

  • Locking tongs with Silicone measure 9-inch in length
  • One hand locking mechanism for easy lifting and releasing
  • Manufactured with 18/10 stainless steel
  • Ergonomic design for safe and comfortable handling with minimum risk of food slipping and sliding
  • Heat resistant up to 500-degree farenheit, dishwasher safe, lifetime warranty

  • Located in the Bavaria region of Germany, family- owned Rosle has been steadily creating the best tools and utensils in the world since 1888. Each Rosle product joins design and function in perfect harmony. 18/10 Stainless steel is used in production providing a professional utensil that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but hygienic, neutral to flavors and odors, easy to clean. During the development phase - which lasts from 1 to 2 years on average - each product goes through a trial period where it is critically evaluated by cooking schools and professional chefs. During production, Rosle utensils go through an elaborate manufacturing processes and only leave the premises after passing strict quality control. Professional and home chefs alike sing the praise of this integrated collection, widely recognized as the best on the market. With German design and unrivaled material, Rosle continues to receive prestigious design prizes and a growing list of awards. New from Rosle, these beautifully designed One Hand Operation Locking Tongs with Silicone are a versatile all purpose tool, perfect for handling all types of food. Use and application: 1) When opening the tongs, hold them with the tips facing downward; 2) Light pressure will release the locking mechanism opening the tongs; 3) for locking, hold the tongs so the tips face upward; 4) The tongs will automatically lock into a closed position when light pressure is applied with one hand. Heat resistant to 500-degree farenheit, dishwasher safe, lifetime warranty.

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