Rug Doctor Portable Machine and Upholstery Cleaner, Carpeting Cleaning Solution Made to Spot Clean Carpets, Rugs, and Upholstery, Great for Home and Office
All-purpose carpet cleaning concentrate removes stains and spots with oxygen activated boosters.
Ideal for cleaning carpets, upholstery, car interiors and rugs. Take it where you need it and watch the concentrate clean your upholstery and soft surfaces.
Professional grade results leave carpet and upholstery soft, clean, and bright!
At-home carpet shampoo extracts stains and dirt. Recommended to use with the Rug Doctor Portable Spot Cleaner or any leading portable cleaning machines
Blue Wave Scent serves as a deodorizer and neutralizes foul odors.
At Rug Doctor, we are committed to helping keep your home clean and fresh! With Rug Doctor's Portable Machine and Upholstery Cleaner, deep cleaning is effective and easy. This cleaning solution is made with oxygen-activated cleaning boosters that lift dirt and tough stains from any soft surface. Using a spot cleaner machine, Portable Machine and Upholstery Cleaner cleans everything from high traffic areas to stained furniture using a spot cleaner machine. The professional-grade concentrate extracts stubborn stains such as coffee, wine, pet urine, and dirt. Cleaning is made easy with the Portable Machine and Upholstery Cleaner by Rug Doctor because we care about your carpets! Brand: Rug Doctor, Model: 041207, Color: Red, Size: Medium, 32 oz
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