Prestige Deluxe Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker, 4-Liter

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Brand Prestige
Model PRSS4
Color Silver
Size 4-Liter

  • Prestige stainless steel cookers use the best quality stainless steel with stronger lugs and thick base to give your cooker a safe and long life
  • Comes with a first time 2-in-1 safety device called pi pressure indicator ; The device will rise while there is pressure inside the cooker and will come down when there is no pressure thus indicating
  • Designed to give you more body capacity as compared to normal outer lid pressure cooker
  • Enables "separator cooking" , a more hygienic form of cooking to retain the nutritional value and taste of food while enabling you to cook 3 dishes at a time
  • ISI certified - conforms to international quality standards
  • NOTE: Pressure cookers according to all World Standards including "UL" , "ETL" etc., rate the capacity based on the total volume after closing the lid
  • Diameter is 7.5" (19.05cm) & the height with closed lid is 5.75" (14.60 cm).Prestige Deluxe Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker, 4 Liters

  • Prestige pressure cookers are one the fastest and easier ways to cook any hot food. These prestige deluxe stainless steel pressure cookers come in a fully assembled fashion and are ideal for both home use and cooking in bulk quantities. This cooker will also come with a very detailed instructional booklet, safety valve, and manufacturer's warranty. This cooker is easy to clean and has a heavy bottom which means nothing will stick to it.

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