Light Blue Cardboard Cupcake Stand

Unique Industries
In Stock


Brand Unique Industries
Model 90399
Color Blue
Size One Size

  • 1 Light Blue Cardboard Cupcake Stand
  • Measures 13.5"H x 11.75"W when assembled (instructions included)
  • Holds 18 regular-size cupcakes, 24 mini cupcakes, and other small baked goods
  • Features 3 tiers (small, medium, and large), each approximately 4" apart
  • Perfect for any bake sale, boy baby shower, boy birthday party, and more

  • Your scrumptious cupcakes will be sitting pretty with our Light Blue Cupcake Stand. Featuring 3 tiers of sturdy cardboard that assemble to hold cupcakes, cookies, or other baked goods, this cupcake tower is both decorative and practical. The sky blue color and pale blue polka dot print is ideal for any bake sale or classroom party as well as a baby boy shower or birthday party. Consider decorating the topper piece with stickers, markers, or a photo to really personalize your celebration. Each tier has 4 small tabs that need to be pushed down and hooked onto the notch beneath to lock them onto the supports. So for best results, be gentle when assembling the 6 individual pieces and be sure to read the provided instructions beforehand.

    Custom Tab 01

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