Lansky 4-rod Turn Box Knife Sharpener

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Brand Lansky
Model LS33-BRK
Color Gray
Size 1 PACK

  • Two-stage Crock Stick sharpener with two sets of medium grit and fine grit 5-inch ceramic rods
  • Hardwood base with internal rod storage
  • Easy to store in kitchen drawer, tackle box or tool box
  • Two pre-set sharpening angles
  • One-year warranty for materials and workmanship

  • The Turn Box family is a very stable and compact knife sharpening system. It works well in the kitchen and it quickly breaks down for storage in a drawer. The turn box family of knife sharpeners is also great for outdoorsmen on the go because it is lightweight and stores easily in a backpack. It only takes a few swipes to maintain an edge (a bit more if you have a really dull knife). There are two pre-set knife sharpening angles in the wood block 20 degree & 25 degree 25 Degrees - This is used for most kitchen knives and provides a sharp, durable edge. 20 Degrees - This is used for those desiring a very sharp edge. Some examples would be for filet knives or cutting tomatoes. Lower degrees result in sharper knives, but require more regular maintenance. This 2-Stage Knife Sharpening System features a hardwood turnbox with internal rod storage in the base, and four 5" long alumina ceramic rods. (2 medium 600 grit grey rods, 2 fine 1000 grit white rods)

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