Global GS-5-5 1/2 inch, 14cm Vegetable Knife

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Brand Global
Model GS-5
Color stainless steel
Size 5.5"

  • Lightweight, precisely balanced 5-1/2-inch knife for slicing, chopping vegetables
  • Blade made of high-tech molybdenum/vanadium stainless steel
  • Edge retains razor sharpness exceptionally well
  • Stainless-steel handle molded for comfort, dimpled for safe grip
  • Lifetime warranty against defects and breakage

  • Chop onions, pepper, and more with this vegetable knife from Global. This knife is made from a single piece of high quality CROMOVA 18 stainless steel with a square tip and an ultra sharp blade. The ice tempered, convex edge can hold a sharper edge for a longer time so you can slice vegetables and make a delicious bowl of pasta primavera. It has an ergonomic handle with a dimple pattern making it comfortable and slip resistant, useful for repetitive slicing. The knife's perfect weight is achieved through the hollow handle that is filled with sand for ideal balance. This knife can be used in place of a Santoku knife so you can also cut meats and fruits.

    5-1/2" L

    Custom Tab 01

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