Fox Run 3100 Stick-Um Candle Adhesive, 0.5-Ounce

Fox Run
In Stock


Brand Fox Run
Model 3100
Color Red
Size 1 Pack

  • Tin measures 2 x 2 x 0.5 inch, with a 0.5-ounce capacity
  • Adhesive, will hold the bottom of candle firm in the holder
  • Keeps your candles upright in their holder and never hardens
  • Conveniently available and stored in a small, pocket-sized round tin
  • Keep your candles neat and clean throughout entire duration of burning

  • A popular and attractive centerpiece, now you can bring security and ease to unfitting candle holders. Don't let your holiday or family dinner fall flat due to drooping and tipping candles! Keep your favorite scents standing upright in their holder with Stick-Um Candle Adhesive. This candle-saving glue is conveniently available and stored in a small pocket-sized round tin. To use, simply place a small portion of the adhesive onto the candle base, and then press and twist your candle into the holder. The glue will hold the bottom of candle firm in the holder and will never harden! When finished, the adhesive can be easily washed off of the holder with hot soapy water. Great for candles that wobble and do not fit snug in their holders. Keep everything around your candles neat and clean, and don't let your candles (and party) fall flat.

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