Derwent 72 Pastel Pencil Metal Tin Set

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  • Round - smooth barrel
  • 4.5mm core allows for maximum line flexibility
  • Can be easily mixed and blended
  • Hold the pencil loosely for generous color application
  • 72 pencils are set in a convenient - hinged metal tin

  • A 72 color assortment of Derwent Pastel Pencils in a neat metal tin. You will get the beauty of pastels and the convenience of pencils in one with Derwent Pastel Pencils. Firm vibrant pastels in a carefully selected range of colors. Ideal for broad strokes as well as crisp detail all the colors can be smudged and blended to created an infinite range of hues and tints. Expressive and versatile can be used wet or dry and works beautifully with other media. True pastels enclosed in a high quality wood pencil for maximum protection and control.
    Brand: Derwent, Model: FBA_32996, Color: Multi

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