Cuisinart CPM-28 Classic-Style Popcorn Maker, Red

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Brand Cuisinart
Model CPM-28
Color Red
Size None

  • No heat-up time required
  • Mechanized spinner moves kernels to ensure even cooking
  • Tilt access door for easy serving
  • Door and nonstick kettle are removable for fast cleanup
  • Includes popcorn scoop, kernel measuring cup, and oil measuring spoon

  • Create up to 10 cups of hot, delicious, fluffy popcorn in minutes with the Cuisinart Classic-Style Popcorn Maker. The 500-watt heater requires no advance heat up, so the popper is ready to use right away, and the mechanized spinner moves the kernels to ensure each one is popped to fluffy perfection. The nonstick kettle and door are removable for easy access and cleanup. This classic popcorn maker livens up any gathering, and makes family time festive and fun!

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